Kisi Moral Science Kelas 8

Subject                                  :    Moral Science

Grade/Semester                  :    VIII/ I (One)

Standard of Competency   :    3. Showing positive attitude towards responsibility



Basic Competency


Type of Test



3.1        Showing comprehension of the biblical perspective of responsibility


3.1.1    Explain the definition of responsibility

3.1.2    Explain the principles of responsibility according to Matthew 25: 14-30

3.1.3    Explain the two types of responsibility

3.1.4    Explain God expects responsibility action to us

3.1.5    Explain Christian responsibilities toward church, society, country and family

3.1.6    Explain 15 Christian responsibilities toward God (taken from the photocopy which was given)


  1. Bible
  2. Linberg Charles. 1998. Character Quest. Alabama: LifeWay Christian School Resources


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